Publications by Year: 2019


Zhang F, Ning L, O’Donnell LJ, Pasternak O. MK-curve - Characterizing the relation between mean kurtosis and alterations in the diffusion MRI signal. Neuroimage. 2019;196:68–80. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2019.04.015
Diffusion kurtosis imaging (DKI) is a diffusion MRI (dMRI) technique to quantify brain microstructural properties. While DKI measures are sensitive to tissue alterations, they are also affected by signal alterations caused by imaging artifacts such as noise, motion and Gibbs ringing. Consequently, DKI often yields output parameter values (e.g. mean kurtosis; MK) that are implausible. These include implausible values that are outside of the range dictated by physics/biology, and visually apparent implausible values that form unexpected discontinuities, being too high or too low comparing with their neighborhood. These implausible values will introduce bias into any following data analyses (e.g. between-population statistical computation). Existing studies have attempted to correct implausible DKI parameter values in multiple ways; however, these approaches are not always effective. In this study, we propose a novel method for detecting and correcting voxels with implausible values to enable improved DKI parameter estimation. In particular, we focus on MK parameter estimation. We first characterize the relation between MK and alterations in the dMRI signal including diffusion weighted images (DWIs) and the baseline (b0) images. This is done by calculating MK for a range of synthetic DWI or b0 for each voxel, and generating curves (MK-curve) representing how alterations to the input dMRI signals affect the resulting output MK. We find that voxels with implausible MK values are more likely caused by artifacts in the b0 images than artifacts in DWIs with higher b-values. Accordingly, two characteristic b0 values, which define a range of synthetic b0 values that generate implausible MK values, are identified on the MK-curve. Based on this characterization, we propose an automatic approach for detection of voxels with implausible MK values by comparing a voxel’s original b0 signal to the identified two characteristic b0 values, along with a correction strategy to replace the original b0 in each detected implausible voxel with a synthetic b0 value computed from the MK-curve. We evaluate the method on a DKI phantom dataset and dMRI datasets from the Human Connectome Project (HCP), and we compare the proposed correction method with other previously proposed correction methods. Results show that our proposed method is able to identify and correct most voxels with implausible DKI parameter values as well as voxels with implausible diffusion tensor parameter values.
Kikinis Z, Makris N, Sydnor VJ, Bouix S, Pasternak O, Coman IL, Antshel KM, Fremont W, Kubicki MR, Shenton ME, et al. Abnormalities in gray matter microstructure in young adults with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome. Neuroimage Clin. 2019;21:101611. doi:10.1016/j.nicl.2018.101611
BACKGROUND: 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome (22q11DS) is a genetic, neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by a chromosomal deletion and a distinct cognitive profile. Although abnormalities in the macrostructure of the cortex have been identified in individuals with 22q11DS, it is not known if there are additional microstructural changes in gray matter regions in this syndrome, and/or if such microstructural changes are associated with cognitive functioning.
Hansson B, Höglund P, Bloch KM, Nilsson M, Olsrud J, en JW, Björkman-Burtscher IM. Short-term effects experienced during examinations in an actively shielded 7 T MR. Bioelectromagnetics. 2019;40(4):234–249. doi:10.1002/bem.22189
The objective of this study was to evaluate occurrence and strength of short-term effects experienced by study participants in an actively shielded (AS) 7 tesla (7 T) magnetic resonance (MR) scanner, to compare results with earlier reports on passively shielded (PS) 7 T MR scanners, and to outline possible healthcare strategies to improve patient compliance. Study participants (n = 124) completed a web-based questionnaire directly after being examined in an AS 7 T MR (n = 154 examinations). Most frequently experienced short-term effects were dizziness (84%) and inconsistent movement (70%), especially while moving into or out of the magnet. Peripheral nerve stimulation (PNS)-twitching-was experienced in 67% of research examinations and showed a dependence between strength of twitches and recorded predicted PNS values. Of the participants, 74% experienced noise levels as acceptable and the majority experienced body and room temperature as comfortable. Of the study participants, 95% felt well-informed and felt they had had good contact with the staff before the examination. Willingness to undergo a future 7 T examination was high (>90%). Our study concludes short-term effects are often experienced during examinations in an AS 7 T MR, leaving room for improvement in nursing care strategies to increase patient compliance. Bioelectromagnetics. 2019;9999:XX-XX. © 2019 The Authors. Bioelectromagnetics Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Sjöström H, Surova Y, Nilsson M, Granberg T, Westman E, van Westen D, Svenningsson P, Hansson O. Mapping of apparent susceptibility yields promising diagnostic separation of progressive supranuclear palsy from other causes of parkinsonism. Sci Rep. 2019;9(1):6079. doi:10.1038/s41598-019-42565-4
There is a need for methods that distinguish Parkinson’s disease (PD) from progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) and multiple system atrophy (MSA), which have similar characteristics in the early stages of the disease. In this prospective study, we evaluate mapping of apparent susceptibility based on susceptibility weighted imaging (SWI) for differential diagnosis. We included 134 patients with PD, 11 with PSP, 10 with MSA and 44 healthy controls. SWI data were processed into maps of apparent susceptibility. In PSP, apparent susceptibility was increased in the red nucleus compared to all other groups, and in globus pallidus, putamen, substantia nigra and the dentate nucleus compared to PD and controls. In MSA, putaminal susceptibility was increased compared to PD and controls. Including all studied regions and using discriminant analysis between PSP and PD, 100% sensitivity and 97% specificity was achieved, and 91% sensitivity and 90% specificity in separating PSP from MSA. Correlations between putaminal susceptibility and disease severity in PD could warrant further research into using susceptibility mapping for monitoring disease progression and in clinical trials. Our study indicates that susceptibility in deep nuclei could play a role in the diagnosis of atypical parkinsonism, especially in PSP.
anchez-Ferrero GV-S, Ledesma-Carbayo MJ, Washko GR, epar R ul SJ e E. Harmonization of chest CT scans for different doses and reconstruction methods. Med Phys. 2019;46(7):3117–32. doi:10.1002/mp.13578
PURPOSE: To develop and validate a CT harmonization technique by combining noise-stabilization and autocalibration methodologies to provide reliable densitometry measurements in heterogeneous acquisition protocols. METHODS: We propose to reduce the effects of spatially-variant noise such as non-uniform patterns of noise and biases. The method combines the statistical characterization of the signal-to-noise relationship in the CT image intensities, which allows us to estimate both the signal and spatially-variant variance of noise, with an autocalibration technique that reduces the non-uniform biases caused by noise and reconstruction techniques. The method is firstly validated with anthropomorphic synthetic images that simulate CT acquisitions with variable scanning parameters: different dosage, non-homogeneous variance of noise, and various reconstruction methods. We finally evaluate these effects and the ability of our method to provide consistent densitometric measurements in a cohort of clinical chest CT scans from two vendors (Siemens, n=54 subjects; and GE, n=50 subjects) acquired with several reconstruction algorithms (filtered back-projection and iterative reconstructions) with high-dose and low-dose protocols. RESULTS: The harmonization reduces the effect of non-homogeneous noise without compromising the resolution of the images (25% RMSE reduction in both clinical datasets). An analysis through hierarchical linear models showed that the average biases induced by differences in dosage and reconstruction methods are also reduced up to 74:20%, enabling comparable results between highdose and low-dose reconstructions. We also assessed the statistical similarity between acquisitions obtaining increases of up to 30 percentage points and showing that the low-dose vs. high-dose comparisons of harmonized data obtain similar and even higher similarity than the observed for high-dose vs. high-dose comparisons of non-harmonized data. CONCLUSION: The proposed harmonization technique allows to compare measures of low-dose with high-dose acquisitions without using a specific reconstruction as a reference. Since the harmonization does not require a precalibration with a phantom, it can be applied to retrospective studies. This approach might be suitable for multicenter trials for which a reference reconstruction is not feasible or hard to define due to differences in vendors, models and reconstruction techniques. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Savadjiev P, Chong J, Dohan A, Agnus V, Forghani R, Reinhold C, Gallix B. Image-based biomarkers for solid tumor quantification. Eur Radiol. 2019;29(10):5431–5440. doi:10.1007/s00330-019-06169-w
The last few decades have witnessed tremendous technological developments in image-based biomarkers for tumor quantification and characterization. Initially limited to manual one- and two-dimensional size measurements, image biomarkers have evolved to harness developments not only in image acquisition technology but also in image processing and analysis algorithms. At the same time, clinical validation remains a major challenge for the vast majority of these novel techniques, and there is still a major gap between the latest technological developments and image biomarkers used in everyday clinical practice. Currently, the imaging biomarker field is attracting increasing attention not only because of the tremendous interest in cutting-edge therapeutic developments and personalized medicine but also because of the recent progress in the application of artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms to large-scale datasets. Thus, the goal of the present article is to review the current state of the art for image biomarkers and their use for characterization and predictive quantification of solid tumors. Beginning with an overview of validated imaging biomarkers in current clinical practice, we proceed to a review of AI-based methods for tumor characterization, such as radiomics-based approaches and deep learning.Key Points• Recent years have seen tremendous technological developments in image-based biomarkers for tumor quantification and characterization.• Image-based biomarkers can be used on an ongoing basis, in a non-invasive (or mildly invasive) way, to monitor the development and progression of the disease or its response to therapy.• We review the current state of the art for image biomarkers, as well as the recent developments in artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms for image processing and analysis.
Miller ER, Putman RK, Diaz AA, Xu H, epar R ul SJ e E, Araki T, Nishino M, ias SP de F \, Hida T, Ross J, et al. Increased Airway Wall Thickness in Interstitial Lung Abnormalities and Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2019;16(4):447–454. doi:10.1513/AnnalsATS.201806-424OC
RATIONALE: There is increasing evidence that aberrant processes occurring in the airways may precede the development of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF); however, there has been no prior confirmatory data derived from imaging studies. OBJECTIVES: To assess quantitative measures of airway wall thickness (AWT) in populations characterized for interstitial lung abnormalities (ILA) and for IPF. METHODS: Computed tomographic imaging of the chest and measures of AWT were available for 6,073, 615, 1,167, and 38 participants from COPDGene (Genetic Epidemiology of COPD study), ECLIPSE (Evaluation of COPD Longitudinally to Identify Predictive Surrogate Endpoints study), and the Framingham Heart Study (FHS) and in patients with IPF from the Brigham and Women’s Hospital Herlihy Registry, respectively. To evaluate these associations, we used multivariable linear regression to compare a standardized measure of AWT (the square root of AWT for airways with an internal perimeter of 10 mm [Pi10]) and characterizations of ILA and IPF by computed tomographic imaging of the chest. RESULTS: In COPDGene, ECLIPSE, and FHS, research participants with ILA had increased measures of Pi10 compared with those without ILA. Patients with IPF had mean measures of Pi10 that were even greater than those noted in research participants with ILA. After adjustment for important covariates (e.g., age, sex, race, body mass index, smoking behavior, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease severity when appropriate), research participants with ILA had increased measures of Pi10 compared with those without ILA (0.03 mm in COPDGene, 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.02-0.03; P
Boueiz A, Pham B, Chase R, Lamb A, Lee S, Naing ZZC, Cho MH, Parker MM, Sakornsakolpat P, Hersh CP, et al. Integrative Genomics Analysis Identifies ACVR1B as a Candidate Causal Gene of Emphysema Distribution. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2019;60(4):388–398. doi:10.1165/rcmb.2018-0110OC
Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have identified multiple associations with emphysema apicobasal distribution (EABD), but the biological functions of these variants are unknown. To characterize the functions of EABD-associated variants, we integrated GWAS results with 1) expression quantitative trait loci (eQTL) from the Genotype Tissue Expression (GTEx) project and subjects in the COPDGene (Genetic Epidemiology of COPD) study and 2) cell type epigenomic marks from the Roadmap Epigenomics project. On the basis of these analyses, we selected a variant near ACVR1B (activin A receptor type 1B) for functional validation. SNPs from 168 loci with P values less than 5 × 10 in the largest GWAS meta-analysis of EABD were analyzed. Eighty-four loci overlapped eQTL, with 12 of these loci showing greater than 80% likelihood of harboring a single, shared GWAS and eQTL causal variant. Seventeen cell types were enriched for overlap between EABD loci and Roadmap Epigenomics marks (permutation P
Synn AJ, Li W, epar R ul SJ e E, Zhang C, Washko GR, O\textquoterightConnor GT, Araki T, Hatabu H, Bankier AA, Mittleman MA, et al. Radiographic Pulmonary Vessel Volume, Lung Function, and Airways Disease in the Framingham Heart Study. Eur Respir J. 2019;54(3):1900408. doi:10.1183/13993003.00408-2019
Radiographic abnormalities of the pulmonary vessels, such as vascular pruning, are common in advanced airways disease, but it is unknown if pulmonary vascular volumes are related to measures of lung health and airways disease in healthier populations.In 2,388 participants of the Framingham Heart Study CT sub-study, we calculated total vessel volumes and the small vessel fraction using automated CT image analysis and evaluated associations with measures of lung function, airflow obstruction on spirometry, and emphysema on CT. We further tested if associations of vascular volumes with lung function were present among those with normal FEV and FVC.In fully adjusted linear and logistic models, we found that lower total and small vessel volumes were consistently associated with worse measures of lung health, including lower spirometric volumes, lower diffusing capacity, and/or higher odds of airflow obstruction. For example, each standard deviation lower small vessel fraction (indicating more severe pruning) was associated with a 37% greater odds of obstruction (OR 1.37, 95% CI: 1.11-1.71, p=0.004). A similar pattern was observed in the subset of participants with normal spirometry.Lower total and small vessel pulmonary vascular volumes were associated with poorer measures of lung health and/or greater odds of airflow obstruction in this cohort of generally healthy adults without high burdens of smoking or airways disease. Our findings suggest that quantitative CT assessment may detect subtle pulmonary vasculopathy that occurs in the setting of subclinical and early pulmonary and airways pathology.
Szczepankiewicz F, Westin C-F, Nilsson M. Maxwell-compensated design of asymmetric gradient waveforms for tensor-valued diffusion encoding. Magn Reson Med. 2019;82(4):1424–1437. doi:10.1002/mrm.27828
PURPOSE: Diffusion encoding with asymmetric gradient waveforms is appealing because the asymmetry provides superior efficiency. However, concomitant gradients may cause a residual gradient moment at the end of the waveform, which can cause significant signal error and image artifacts. The purpose of this study was to develop an asymmetric waveform designs for tensor-valued diffusion encoding that is not sensitive to concomitant gradients. METHODS: The "Maxwell index" was proposed as a scalar invariant to capture the effect of concomitant gradients. Optimization of "Maxwell-compensated" waveforms was performed in which this index was constrained. Resulting waveforms were compared to waveforms from literature, in terms of the measured and predicted impact of concomitant gradients, by numerical analysis as well as experiments in a phantom and in a healthy human brain. RESULTS: Maxwell-compensated waveforms with Maxwell indices below 100 (mT/m) ms showed negligible signal bias in both numerical analysis and experiments. By contrast, several waveforms from literature showed gross signal bias under the same conditions, leading to a signal bias that was large enough to markedly affect parameter maps. Experimental results were accurately predicted by theory. CONCLUSION: Constraining the Maxwell index in the optimization of asymmetric gradient waveforms yields efficient diffusion encoding that negates the effects of concomitant fields while enabling arbitrary shapes of the b-tensor. This waveform design is especially useful in combination with strong gradients, long encoding times, thick slices, simultaneous multi-slice acquisition, and large FOVs.