Publications by Year: 2015


Rahaghi FN, Come CE, Ross J, Harmouche R, Diaz AA, Estepar RSJ, Washko G. Morphologic Response of the Pulmonary Vasculature to Endoscopic Lung Volume Reduction. Chronic Obstr Pulm Dis. 2015;2(3):214–222. doi:10.15326/jcopdf.2.3.2014.0164
INTRODUCTION: Endoscopic Lung Volume Reduction has been used to reduce lung hyperinflation in selected patients with severe emphysema. Little is known about the effect of this procedure on the intraparenchymal pulmonary vasculature. In this study we used CT based vascular reconstruction to quantify the effect of the procedure on the pulmonary vasculature. METHODS: Intraparenchymal vasculature was reconstructed and quantified in 12 patients with CT scans at baseline and 12 weeks following bilateral introduction of sealants in the upper lobes. The volume of each lung and each lobe was measured, and the vascular volume profile was calculated for both lower lobes. The detected vasculature was further labeled manually as arterial or venous in the right lower lobe.
Ning L, Laun F, Gur Y, DiBella ER V, Deslauriers-Gauthier S, Megherbi T, Ghosh A, Zucchelli M, Menegaz G, Fick R, et al. Sparse Reconstruction Challenge for diffusion MRI: Validation on a physical phantom to determine which acquisition scheme and analysis method to use?. Med Image Anal. 2015;26(1):316–31. doi:10.1016/
Diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) is the modality of choice for investigating in-vivo white matter connectivity and neural tissue architecture of the brain. The diffusion-weighted signal in dMRI reflects the diffusivity of water molecules in brain tissue and can be utilized to produce image-based biomarkers for clinical research. Due to the constraints on scanning time, a limited number of measurements can be acquired within a clinically feasible scan time. In order to reconstruct the dMRI signal from a discrete set of measurements, a large number of algorithms have been proposed in recent years in conjunction with varying sampling schemes, i.e., with varying b-values and gradient directions. Thus, it is imperative to compare the performance of these reconstruction methods on a single data set to provide appropriate guidelines to neuroscientists on making an informed decision while designing their acquisition protocols. For this purpose, the SPArse Reconstruction Challenge (SPARC) was held along with the workshop on Computational Diffusion MRI (at MICCAI 2014) to validate the performance of multiple reconstruction methods using data acquired from a physical phantom. A total of 16 reconstruction algorithms (9 teams) participated in this community challenge. The goal was to reconstruct single b-value and/or multiple b-value data from a sparse set of measurements. In particular, the aim was to determine an appropriate acquisition protocol (in terms of the number of measurements, b-values) and the analysis method to use for a neuroimaging study. The challenge did not delve on the accuracy of these methods in estimating model specific measures such as fractional anisotropy (FA) or mean diffusivity, but on the accuracy of these methods to fit the data. This paper presents several quantitative results pertaining to each reconstruction algorithm. The conclusions in this paper provide a valuable guideline for choosing a suitable algorithm and the corresponding data-sampling scheme for clinical neuroscience applications.
Lutz SM, Cho MH, Young K, Hersh CP, Castaldi PJ, McDonald M-L, Regan E, Mattheisen M, DeMeo DL, Parker M, et al. A genome-wide association study identifies risk loci for spirometric measures among smokers of European and African ancestry. BMC Genet. 2015;16:138. doi:10.1186/s12863-015-0299-4
BACKGROUND: Pulmonary function decline is a major contributor to morbidity and mortality among smokers. Post bronchodilator FEV1 and FEV1/FVC ratio are considered the standard assessment of airflow obstruction. We performed a genome-wide association study (GWAS) in 9919 current and former smokers in the COPDGene study (6659 non-Hispanic Whites [NHW] and 3260 African Americans [AA]) to identify associations with spirometric measures (post-bronchodilator FEV1 and FEV1/FVC). We also conducted meta-analysis of FEV1 and FEV1/FVC GWAS in the COPDGene, ECLIPSE, and GenKOLS cohorts (total n = 13,532).
Kliment CR, Araki T, Doyle TJ, Gao W, Dupuis J ee, Latourelle JC, Zazueta OE, Fernandez IE, Nishino M, Okajima Y, et al. A comparison of visual and quantitative methods to identify interstitial lung abnormalities. BMC Pulm Med. 2015;15:134. doi:10.1186/s12890-015-0124-x
BACKGROUND: Evidence suggests that individuals with interstitial lung abnormalities (ILA) on a chest computed tomogram (CT) may have an increased risk to develop a clinically significant interstitial lung disease (ILD). Although methods used to identify individuals with ILA on chest CT have included both automated quantitative and qualitative visual inspection methods, there has been not direct comparison between these two methods. To investigate this relationship, we created lung density metrics and compared these to visual assessments of ILA. METHODS: To provide a comparison between ILA detection methods based on visual assessment we generated measures of high attenuation areas (HAAs, defined by attenuation values between -600 and -250 Hounsfield Units) in >4500 participants from both the COPDGene and Framingham Heart studies (FHS). Linear and logistic regressions were used for analyses.
Sjölund J, Szczepankiewicz F, Nilsson M, Topgaard D, Westin C-F, Knutsson H. Constrained optimization of gradient waveforms for generalized diffusion encoding. J Magn Reson. 2015;261:157–68. doi:10.1016/j.jmr.2015.10.012
Diffusion MRI is a useful probe of tissue microstructure. The conventional diffusion encoding sequence, the single pulsed field gradient, has recently been challenged as more general gradient waveforms have been introduced. Out of these, we focus on q-space trajectory imaging, which generalizes the scalar b-value to a tensor valued entity. To take full advantage of its capabilities, it is imperative to respect the constraints imposed by the hardware, while at the same time maximizing the diffusion encoding strength. We provide a tool that achieves this by solving a constrained optimization problem that accommodates constraints on maximum gradient amplitude, slew rate, coil heating and positioning of radio frequency pulses. The method’s efficacy and flexibility is demonstrated both experimentally and by comparison with previous work on optimization of isotropic diffusion sequences.
Nilsson M, Szczepankiewicz F, van Westen D, Hansson O. Extrapolation-Based References Improve Motion and Eddy-Current Correction of High B-Value DWI Data: Application in Parkinson’s Disease Dementia. PLoS One. 2015;10(11):e0141825. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0141825
PURPOSE: Conventional motion and eddy-current correction, where each diffusion-weighted volume is registered to a non diffusion-weighted reference, suffers from poor accuracy for high b-value data. An alternative approach is to extrapolate reference volumes from low b-value data. We aim to compare the performance of conventional and extrapolation-based correction of diffusional kurtosis imaging (DKI) data, and to demonstrate the impact of the correction approach on group comparison studies. METHODS: DKI was performed in patients with Parkinson’s disease dementia (PDD), and healthy age-matched controls, using b-values of up to 2750 s/mm2. The accuracy of conventional and extrapolation-based correction methods was investigated. Parameters from DTI and DKI were compared between patients and controls in the cingulum and the anterior thalamic projection tract. RESULTS: Conventional correction resulted in systematic registration errors for high b-value data. The extrapolation-based methods did not exhibit such errors, yielding more accurate tractography and up to 50% lower standard deviation in DKI metrics. Statistically significant differences were found between patients and controls when using the extrapolation-based motion correction that were not detected when using the conventional method. CONCLUSION: We recommend that conventional motion and eddy-current correction should be abandoned for high b-value data in favour of more accurate methods using extrapolation-based references.
Barrio-Arranz G, ia R de L-G \, an-Vega AT, andez MM \in-F, andez SA-F. Impact of MR Acquisition Parameters on DTI Scalar Indexes: A Tractography Based Approach. PLoS One. 2015;10(10):e0137905. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0137905
Acquisition parameters play a crucial role in Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI), as they have a major impact on the values of scalar measures such as Fractional Anisotropy (FA) or Mean Diffusivity (MD) that are usually the focus of clinical studies based on white matter analysis. This paper presents an analysis on the impact of the variation of several acquisition parameters on these scalar measures with a novel double focus. First, a tractography-based approach is employed, motivated by the significant number of clinical studies that are carried out using this technique. Second, the consequences of simultaneous changes in multiple parameters are analyzed: number of gradient directions, b-value and voxel resolution. Results indicate that the FA is most affected by changes in the number of gradients and voxel resolution, while MD is specially influenced by variations in the b-value. Even if the choice of a tractography algorithm has an effect on the numerical values of the final scalar measures, the evolution of these measures when acquisition parameters are modified is parallel.
Feng Y, Wu Y, Rathi Y, Westin C-F. Sparse deconvolution of higher order tensor for fiber orientation distribution estimation. Artif Intell Med. 2015;65(3):229–38. doi:10.1016/j.artmed.2015.09.004
PURPOSE: Higher order tensor (HOT) imaging approaches based on the spherical deconvolution framework have attracted much interest for their effectiveness in estimating fiber orientation distribution (FOD). However, sparse regularization techniques are still needed to obtain stable FOD in solving the deconvolution problem, particularly in very high orders. Our goal is to adequately characterize the actual sparsity lying in the FOD domain to develop accurate estimation approach for fiber orientation in HOT framework. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We propose a sparse HOT regularization model by enforcing the sparse constraint directly on the representation of FOD instead of imposing it on coefficients of basis function. Then, we incorporate both the stabilizing effect of the l2 penalty and the sparsity encouraging effect of the l1 penalty in the sparse model to adequately characterize the actual sparsity lying in the FOD domain. Furthermore, a weighted regularization scheme is developed to iteratively solve the deconvolution problem. The deconvolution technique is compared against existing methods using l2 or l1 regularizer and tested on synthetic data and real human brain. RESULTS: Experiments were conducted on synthetic data and real human brain data. The synthetic experimental results indicate that crossing fibers are more easily detected and the angular resolution limit is improved by our method by approximately 20°-30° compared to existing HOT method. The detection accuracy is considerably improved compared with that of spherical deconvolution approaches using the l2 regularizer and the reweighted l1 scheme. CONCLUSIONS: Results of testing the deconvolution technique demonstrate that it allows HOTs to obtain increasingly clean and sharp FOD, which in turn significantly increases the angular resolution of current HOT methods. With sparsity on FOD domain, this method efficiently improves the ability of HOT in resolving crossing fibers.
Pham QD, Topgaard D, Sparr E. Cyclic and Linear Monoterpenes in Phospholipid Membranes: Phase Behavior, Bilayer Structure, and Molecular Dynamics. Langmuir. 2015;31(40):11067–77. doi:10.1021/acs.langmuir.5b00856
Monoterpenes are abundant in essential oils extracted from plants. These relatively small and hydrophobic molecules have shown important biological functions, including antimicrobial activity and membrane penetration enhancement. The interaction between the monoterpenes and lipid bilayers is considered important to the understanding of the biological functions of monoterpenes. In this study, we investigated the effect of cyclic and linear monoterpenes on the structure and dynamics of lipids in model membranes. We have studied the ternary system 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine-monoterpene-water as a model with a focus on dehydrated conditions. By combining complementary techniques, including differential scanning calorimetry, solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance, and small- and wide-angle X-ray scattering, bilayer structure, phase transitions, and lipid molecular dynamics were investigated at different water contents. Monoterpenes cause pronounced melting point depression and phase segregation in lipid bilayers, and the extent of these effects depends on the hydration conditions. The addition of a small amount of thymol to the fluid bilayer (volume fraction of 0.03 in the bilayer) leads to an increased order in the acyl chain close to the bilayer interface. The findings are discussed in relation to biological systems and lipid formulations.
Paulsen JL, Özarslan E, Komlosh ME, Basser PJ, Song Y-Q. Detecting compartmental non-Gaussian diffusion with symmetrized double-PFG MRI. NMR Biomed. 2015;28(11):1550–6. doi:10.1002/nbm.3363
Diffusion in tissue and porous media is known to be non-Gaussian and has been used for clinical indications of stroke and other tissue pathologies. However, when conventional NMR techniques are applied to biological tissues and other heterogeneous materials, the presence of multiple compartments (pores) with different Gaussian diffusivities will also contribute to the measurement of non-Gaussian behavior. Here we present symmetrized double PFG (sd-PFG), which can separate these two contributions to non-Gaussian signal decay as having distinct angular modulation frequencies. In contrast to prior angular d-PFG methods, sd-PFG can unambiguously extract kurtosis as an oscillation from samples with isotropic or uniformly oriented anisotropic pores, and can generally extract a combination of compartmental anisotropy and kurtosis. The method further fixes its sensitivity with respect to the time dependence of the apparent diffusion coefficient. We experimentally demonstrate the measurement of the fourth cumulant (kurtosis) of diffusion and find it consistent with theoretical predictions. By enabling the unambiguous identification of contributions of compartmental kurtosis to the signal, sd-PFG has the potential to help identify the underlying micro-structural changes corresponding to current kurtosis based diagnostics, and act as a novel source of contrast to better resolve tissue micro-structure.