Publications by Year: 2004


Niznikiewicz MA, Friedman M, Shenton ME, Voglmaier M, Nestor PG, Frumin M, Seidman L, Sutton J, McCarley RW. Processing sentence context in women with schizotypal personality disorder: an ERP study. Psychophysiology. 2004;41(3):367–71. doi:10.1111/1469-8986.2004.00173.x
Accumulating evidence suggests that schizophrenic patients do not use context efficiently. Also, studies suggest similarities in clinical and cognitive profiles between schizophrenic and schizotypal personality disorder (SPD) individuals, and epidemiological studies point to a genetic link between the two disorders. This study examined electrophysiological correlates of processing sentence context in a group of SPD women in a classical N400 sentence paradigm. The study assessed if the dysfunction in context use found previously in schizophrenia and male SPD also exists in female SPD. We tested 17 SPD and 16 matched normal control women. The results suggest the presence of abnormality in context use in female SPD similar to that previously reported for male schizophrenic and SPD individuals, but of lesser degree of severity. In SPD women, relative to their comparison group, a more negative N400 was found only to auditory congruent sentences.
Mocanu D, Kettenbach J, Sweeney MO, Kikinis R, Kenknight BH, Eisenberg SR. Patient-specific computational analysis of transvenous defibrillation: a comparison to clinical metrics in humans. Ann Biomed Eng. 2004;32(6):775–83.
The goal of this study is to assess the predictive capacity of computational models of transvenous defibrillation by comparing the results of patient-specific simulations to clinical defibrillation thresholds (DFT). Nine patient-specific models of the thorax and in situ electrodes were created from segmented CT images taken after implantation of the cardioverter-defibrillator. The defibrillation field distribution was computed using the finite volume method. The DFTs were extracted from the calculated field distribution using the 95% critical mass criterion. The comparison between simulated and clinical DFT energy resulted in a rms difference of 12.4 J and a 0.05 correlation coefficient (cc). The model-predicted DFTs were well matched to the clinical values in four patients (rms = 1.5 J; cc = 0.84). For the remaining five patients the rms difference was 18.4 J with a cc = 0.85. These results suggest that computational models based soley on the critical mass criterion and a single value of the inexcitability threshold are not able to consistently predict DFTs for individual patients. However, inspection of the weak potential gradient field in all nine patients revealed a relationship between the degree of dispersion of the weak field and the clinical DFT, which may help identify high DFT patients.
Bonnet F, Visseaux M, Barbier-Baudry D, Hafid A, Vigier E, Kubicki MM. Organometallic early lanthanide clusters: syntheses and X-ray structures of new monocyclopentadienyl complexes. Inorg Chem. 2004;43(12):3682–90. doi:10.1021/ic035444l
The reaction of Ln(BH(4))(3)(THF)(3) or LnCl(3)(THF)(3) with 1 equiv of KCp*’ ligand (Cp’ = C(5)Me(4)n-Pr) afforded the new monocyclopentadienyl complexes Cp*’LnX(2)(THF)(n) (X = BH(4), Ln = Sm, n = 1, 1a, Ln = Nd, n = 2, 1b; X = Cl, Ln = Sm, n = 1, 3a) and [Cp*’LnX(2)](n’) (X = BH(4), n’ = 6, Ln = Sm, 2a, Ln = Nd, 2b; X = Cl, Ln = Nd, 4b). All these compounds were characterized by elemental analysis and (1)H NMR. Crystals of mixed borohydrido/chloro-bridged [Cp*’(6)Ln(6)(BH(4))(12-x))Cl(x)(THF)(n’)] (x = 10, n’ = 4, Ln = Sm, 2a’, Ln = Nd, 2b’; x = 5, n = 2, Ln = Sm, 2a’ ’) were also isolated. Compounds 2a, 2b, 2a’, 2b’, and 2a’’ were structurally characterized; they all exhibit a hexameric structure in the solid state containing the [Cp*(3)Ln(3)X(5)(THF)] building block. The easy clustering of THF adducts first isolated is illustrative of the well-known bridging ability of the BH(4) group. Hexameric 2a was found to be unstable in the presence of THF vapors; this may be correlated to the opening of unsymmetrical borohydride bridges observed in the molecular structure.
Salisbury DF, Griggs CB, Shenton ME, McCarley RW. The NoGo P300 ’anteriorization’ effect and response inhibition. Clin Neurophysiol. 2004;115(7):1550–8. doi:10.1016/j.clinph.2004.01.028
OBJECTIVE: The P300 event-related potential shows anterior P300 increases on NoGo tasks (target stimulus=withhold response) relative to Go tasks (target stimulus=commit response). This ’NoGo anteriorization’ has been hypothesized to reflect response inhibition. However, silent-count tasks show similar P300 anteriorization. The P300 anteriorization on silent-count tasks relative to Go tasks cannot reflect inhibition-related processes, and questions the degree to which anteriorization observed on NoGo trials can be ascribed to response inhibition. Comparison of anteriorization between the silent-count and NoGo tasks is thus essential. P300 topography on NoGo and silent-count tasks has not been previously compared. METHODS: P300 on Go, NoGo, and silent-count auditory oddball tasks were compared. If the NoGo P300 anteriorization reflects response inhibitory processes, the NoGo P300 should be larger anteriorly than the Go P300 (overt responses) and the silent-count P300s (covert responses). If anteriorization primarily reflects negative voltage Go task motor activity that reduces the normal frontal P300 amplitude, then the Go task P300 should be smaller than both the NoGo and silent-count P300s, which should not differ from one another. RESULTS: The Go task elicited a bilaterally reduced frontal P300 and asymmetrical frontal P300 relative to both the NoGo and silent-count tasks. The NoGo task P300 and silent-count task P300 showed similar amplitude and topography. P300 and slow wave on the NoGo task were not asymmetrical. CONCLUSIONS: The increased frontal P300 in NoGo tasks cannot be attributed solely to a positive-going inhibitory process, but likely reflects negative voltage response execution processes on Go trials. However, the alternative explanation that memory-related processes increase the silent-count P300 anteriorly to the same degree as NoGo inhibitory processes cannot be ruled out.
Malmborg C, Topgaard D, Söderman O. NMR diffusometry and the short gradient pulse limit approximation. J Magn Reson. 2004;169(1):85–91. doi:10.1016/j.jmr.2004.04.004
In NMR diffusometry, one often uses the short gradient pulse (SGP) limit approximation in the interpretation of data from systems with restricted diffusion. The SGP limit approximation means that the gradient pulse length, delta, is so short that the spins do not diffuse during the pulse duration, but this condition is rarely met. If the length scale of the pores corresponds to the molecular mean square displacement during the gradient pulse, the measured echo intensities become a function of the gradient pulse length. Here, we have studied highly concentrated emulsions to show how the length of the gradient pulse influences NMR diffusion experiments. We have focused on molecules confined to one pore and molecules that can migrate through the porous system. For the former the echo decays give smaller pores than the actual case and for the latter we show large changes in echo decay depending on the gradient pulse length, everything else being equal.
Ellsmere J, Stoll J, Wells W, Kikinis R, Vosburgh K, Kane R, Brooks D, Rattner D. A new visualization technique for laparoscopic ultrasonography. Surgery. 2004;136(1):84–92. doi:10.1016/j.surg.2004.03.005
BACKGROUND: Using laparoscopic ultrasonography (LUS) is challenging for both novice and experienced ultrasonographers. The major difficulty surgeons experience is understanding the orientation of the ultrasonography image. The purpose of this study was to assess whether providing surgeons with orientation information improves their ability to interpret LUS images. METHODS: We performed a LUS examination on a 25-kg pig and simultaneously digitized video from the laparoscopic camera, the LUS, and a novel orientation system. From the video recordings, 12 different clips of intra-abdominal anatomy were prepared. Twenty surgeons (18 staff, 2 fellows) volunteered to participate in an experimental crossover study. Test subjects reviewed the LUS clips along with the laparoscopic video images and the orientation display. Controls reviewed the LUS clips with only the laparoscopic video images. Diagnostic accuracy was compared by using the odds ratio.
Park H-J, Levitt J, Shenton ME, Salisbury DF, Kubicki M, Kikinis R, Jolesz FA, McCarley RW. An MRI study of spatial probability brain map differences between first-episode schizophrenia and normal controls. Neuroimage. 2004;22(3):1231–46. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2004.03.009
We created a spatial probability atlas of schizophrenia to provide information about the neuroanatomic variability of brain regions of patients with the disorder. Probability maps of 16 regions of interest (ROIs) were constructed by taking manually parcellated ROIs from subjects’ magnetic resonance images (MRIs) and linearly transforming them into Talairach space using the Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) template. ROIs included temporal, parietal, and prefrontal cortex subregions, with a principal focus on temporal lobe structures. Subject Ns ranged from 11 to 28 for the different ROIs. Our global measure of the spatial distribution of the transformed ROI was the sum of voxels with 50% overlap among subjects. The superior temporal gyrus (STG) and fusiform gyrus (FG) had lower values for schizophrenic subjects than for normal controls, suggestive of greater spatial variability for these ROIs in schizophrenic subjects. For the computation of statistical significance of group differences in portions of the ROI, we used voxel-wise comparisons and Fisher’s exact test. First-episode schizophrenic patients compared with controls showed lower probability (P 0.05) at dorso-posterior areas of planum temporale and Heschl’s gyrus, lateral and anterior regions in the left hippocampus (HIPP), and dorsolateral regions of fusiform gyrus. Importantly, most ROIs of schizophrenic subjects showed a significantly lower spatial overlap than controls, even after nonlinear spatial normalization, suggesting a greater heterogeneity in the spatial distribution of ROIs. There is consequently a need for caution in neuroimaging studies where data from schizophrenic subjects are normalized to a particular stereotaxic coordinate system based on healthy controls. Apparent group differences in activation may simply reflect a greater heterogeneity of spatial distribution in schizophrenia.
Bonnet F, Visseaux M, Barbier-Baudry D, Vigier E, Kubicki MM. Genuine heteroleptic complexes of early rare-earth metals: synthesis, X-ray structure, and their use for stereospecific isoprene polymerization catalysis. Chemistry. 2004;10(10):2428–34. doi:10.1002/chem.200305595
Genuine heteroleptic neodymium and samarium complexes of formula [Cp*’Ln[(p-tol)NN](BH4)] (Cp*’ = C5Me4(nPr), (p-tol)NN = (p-tol)NC(Me)CHC(Me)N(p-tol), Ln = Sm: 1a, Ln = Nd: 1b) have been synthesized for the first time. These unprecedented homologues of early lanthanocenes are prepared by a metathetic reaction between their monocyclopentadienylbisborohydrido precursors with the corresponding potassium diketiminate. Both complexes were obtained in good yields and were characterized by 1H NMR spectroscopy and elemental analysis. Complex 1 a has an non-solvated dimeric structure, as indicated by its crystallographic data. The chloroneodymium analogue [Cp*’Nd[(p-tol)NN](Cl)] (2b) was only obtained as a part of a mixture. Analysis of crystals of 2b by X-ray diffraction revealed a molecular structure very similar to that of 1a. Preliminary isoprene polymerization experiments were carried out with 1 b in the presence of an alkylmagnesium coactivator. The resulting bimetallic Nd/Mg system behaves as an efficient and highly stereospecific catalyst with the synthesis of trans-1,4-polyisoprene with more than 98% regularity. The control of the polymer structure is related to the steric hindrance around the lanthanide atom.
Friman O, Borga M, Lundberg P, Knutsson H. Detection and detrending in fMRI data analysis. Neuroimage. 2004;22(2):645–55. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2004.01.033
This article addresses the impact that colored noise, temporal filtering, and temporal detrending have on the fMRI analysis situation. Specifically, it is shown why the detection of event-related designs benefit more from pre-whitening than blocked designs in a colored noise structure. Both theoretical and empirical results are provided. Furthermore, a novel exploratory method for producing drift models that efficiently capture trends and drifts in the fMRI data is introduced. A comparison to currently employed detrending approaches is presented. It is shown that the novel exploratory model is able to remove a major part of the slowly varying drifts that are abundant in fMRI data. The value of such a model lies in its ability to remove drift components that otherwise would have contributed to a colored noise structure in the voxel time series.
Mocanu D, Kettenbach J, Sweeney MO, Kikinis R, Kenknight BH, Eisenberg SR. A comparison of biventricular and conventional transvenous defibrillation: a computational study using patient derived models. Pacing Clin Electrophysiol. 2004;27(5):586–93. doi:10.1111/j.1540-8159.2004.00491.x
Conventional transvenous defibrillation is performed with an ICD using a dual current pathway. The defibrillation energy is delivered from the RV electrode to the superior vena cava (SVC) electrode and the metallic case (CAN) of the ICD. Biventricular defibrillation uses an additional electrode placed in the LV free wall with sequential shocks to create an additional current vector. Clinical studies of biventricular defibrillation have reported a 45% reduction in mean defibrillation threshold (DFT) energy. The aim of the study was to use computational methods to examine the biventricular defibrillation fields together with their corresponding DFTs in a variety of patient derived models and to compare them to simulations of conventional defibrillation. A library of thoracic models derived from nine patients was used to solve for electric field distributions. The defibrillation waveform consisted of a LV —> SVC + CAN monophasic shock followed by a biphasic shock delivered via the RV —> SVC + CAN electrodes. When the initial voltage of the two shocks is the same, the simulations show that the biventricular configuration reduces the mean DFT by 46% (3.5 +/- 1.3 vs 5.5 +/- 2.7 J, P = 0.005). When the leading edge of the biphasic shock is equal to the trailing edge of the monophasic shock, there is no statistically significant difference in the mean DFT (4.9 +/- 1.9 vs 5.5 +/- 2.7 J, P > 0.05) with the DFT decreasing in some patients and increasing in others. These results suggest that patient-specific computational models may be able to identify those patients who would most benefit from a biventricular configuration.