On rotational invariance in adaptive spatial filtering of fMRI data.

Rydell J, Knutsson H, Borga M. On rotational invariance in adaptive spatial filtering of fMRI data. Neuroimage. 2006;30(1):144–50.


Canonical correlation analysis (CCA) has previously been shown to work well for detecting neural activity in fMRI data. The reason is that CCA enables simultaneous temporal modeling and adaptive spatial filtering of the data. This article introduces a novel method for adaptive anisotropic filtering using the CCA framework and compares it to a previously proposed method. Isotropic adaptive filtering, which is only able to form isotropic filters of different sizes, is also presented and evaluated. It is shown that a new feature of the proposed method is invariance to the orientation of activated regions, and that the detection performance is superior to both that of the previous method and to isotropic filtering.
Last updated on 02/26/2023