NousNav: A Low-Cost Neuronavigation System for Deployment in Lower-Resource Settings

eger EL, Horvath S, Fillion-Robin J-C, Allemang D, Gerber S, Juvekar P, Torio E, Kapur T, Pieper S, Pujol S, et al. NousNav: A Low-Cost Neuronavigation System for Deployment in Lower-Resource Settings. Int J Comput Assist Radiol Surg. 2022;17(9):1745–50.


PURPOSE: NousNav is a complete low-cost neuronavigation system that aims to democratize access to higher-quality healthcare in lower-resource settings. NousNav’s goal is to provide a model for local actors to be able to reproduce, build and operate a fully functional neuronavigation system at an affordable cost. METHODS: NousNav is entirely open source and relies on low-cost off-the-shelf components, which makes it easy to reproduce and deploy in any region. NousNav’s software is also specifically devised with the low-resource setting in mind. RESULTS: It offers means for intuitive intraoperative control. The designed interface is also clean and simple. This allows for easy intraoperative use by either the practicing clinician or a nurse. It thus alleviates the need for a dedicated technician for operation. CONCLUSION: A prototype implementation of the design was built. Hardware and algorithms were designed for robustness, ruggedness, modularity, to be standalone and data-agnostic. The built prototype demonstrates feasibility of the objectives.
Last updated on 02/26/2023