Publications by Year: 2013


Lemaire J-J, Golby A, Wells WM, Pujol S, Tie Y, Rigolo L, Yarmarkovich A, Pieper S, Westin C-F, Jolesz F, et al. Extended Broca’s area in the functional connectome of language in adults: combined cortical and subcortical single-subject analysis using fMRI and DTI tractography. Brain Topogr. 2013;26(3):428–41. doi:10.1007/s10548-012-0257-7
Traditional models of the human language circuitry encompass three cortical areas, Broca’s, Geschwind’s and Wernicke’s, and their connectivity through white matter fascicles. The neural connectivity deep to these cortical areas remains poorly understood, as does the macroscopic functional organization of the cortico-subcortical language circuitry. In an effort to expand current knowledge, we combined functional MRI (fMRI) and diffusion tensor imaging to explore subject-specific structural and functional macroscopic connectivity, focusing on Broca’s area. Fascicles were studied using diffusion tensor imaging fiber tracking seeded from volumes placed manually within the white matter. White matter fascicles and fMRI-derived clusters (antonym-generation task) of positive and negative blood-oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD) signal were co-registered with 3-D renderings of the brain in 12 healthy subjects. Fascicles connecting BOLD-derived clusters were analyzed within specific cortical areas: Broca’s, with the pars triangularis, the pars opercularis, and the pars orbitaris; Geschwind’s and Wernicke’s; the premotor cortex, the dorsal supplementary motor area, the middle temporal gyrus, the dorsal prefrontal cortex and the frontopolar region. We found a functional connectome divisible into three systems-anterior, superior and inferior-around the insula, more complex than previously thought, particularly with respect to a new extended Broca’s area. The extended Broca’s area involves two new fascicles: the operculo-premotor fascicle comprised of well-organized U-shaped fibers that connect the pars opercularis with the premotor region; and (2) the triangulo-orbitaris system comprised of intermingled U-shaped fibers that connect the pars triangularis with the pars orbitaris. The findings enhance our understanding of language function.
Liu S, Cai W, Song Y, Pujol S, Kikinis R, Wen L, Feng DD. Localized Sparse Code Gradient in Alzheimer’s disease staging. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2013;2013:5398–401. doi:10.1109/EMBC.2013.6610769
The accurate diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) at different stages is essential to identify patients at high risk of dementia and plan prevention or treatment measures accordingly. In this study, we proposed a new AD staging method for the entire spectrum of AD including the AD, Mild Cognitive Impairment with and without AD conversions, and Cognitive Normal groups. Our method embedded the high dimensional multi-view features derived from neuroimaging data into a low dimensional feature space and could form a more distinctive representation than the naive concatenated features. It also updated the testing data based on the Localized Sparse Code Gradients (LSCG) to further enhance the classification. The LSCG algorithm, validated using Magnetic Resonance Imaging data from the ADNI baseline cohort, achieved significant improvements on all diagnosis groups compared to using the original sparse coding method.
Liu S, Song Y, Cai W, Pujol S, Kikinis R, Wang X, Feng D. Multifold Bayesian kernelization in Alzheimer’s diagnosis. Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv. 2013;16(Pt 2):303–10.
The accurate diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) and Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) is important in early dementia detection and treatment planning. Most of current studies formulate the AD diagnosis scenario as a classification problem and solve it using various machine learners trained with multi-modal biomarkers. However, the diagnosis accuracy is usually constrained by the performance of the machine learners as well as the methods of integrating the multi-modal data. In this study, we propose a novel diagnosis algorithm, the Multifold Bayesian Kernelization (MBK), which models the diagnosis process as a synthesis analysis of multi-modal biomarkers. MBK constructs a kernel for each biomarker that maximizes the local neighborhood affinity, and further evaluates the contribution of each biomarker based on a Bayesian framework. MBK adopts a novel diagnosis scheme that could infer the subject’s diagnosis by synthesizing the output diagnosis probabilities of individual biomarkers. The proposed algorithm, validated using multimodal neuroimaging data from the ADNI baseline cohort with 85 AD, 169 MCI and 77 cognitive normal subjects, achieves significant improvements on all diagnosis groups compared to the state-of-the-art methods.
Sasson E, Doniger GM, Pasternak O, Tarrasch R, Assaf Y. White matter correlates of cognitive domains in normal aging with diffusion tensor imaging. Front Neurosci. 2013;7:32. doi:10.3389/fnins.2013.00032
The ability to perform complex as well as simple cognitive tasks engages a network of brain regions that is mediated by the white matter fiber bundles connecting them. Different cognitive tasks employ distinctive white matter fiber bundles. The temporal lobe and its projections subserve a variety of key functions known to deteriorate during aging. In a cohort of 52 healthy subjects (ages 25-82 years), we performed voxel-wise regression analysis correlating performance in higher-order cognitive domains (executive function, information processing speed, and memory) with white matter integrity, as measured by diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) fiber tracking in the temporal lobe projections [uncinate fasciculus (UF), fornix, cingulum, inferior longitudinal fasciculus (ILF), and superior longitudinal fasciculus (SLF)]. The fiber tracts were spatially registered and statistical parametric maps were produced to spatially localize the significant correlations. Results showed that performance in the executive function domain is correlated with DTI parameters in the left SLF and right UF; performance in the information processing speed domain is correlated with fractional anisotropy (FA) in the left cingulum, left fornix, right and left ILF and SLF; and the memory domain shows significant correlations with DTI parameters in the right fornix, right cingulum, left ILF, left SLF and right UF. These findings suggest that DTI tractography enables anatomical definition of region of interest (ROI) for correlation of behavioral parameters with diffusion indices, and functionality can be correlated with white matter integrity.
Quan M, Lee S-H, Kubicki M, Kikinis Z, Rathi Y, Seidman LJ, Mesholam-Gately RI, Goldstein JM, McCarley RW, Shenton ME, et al. White matter tract abnormalities between rostral middle frontal gyrus, inferior frontal gyrus and striatum in first-episode schizophrenia. Schizophr Res. 2013;145(1-3):1–10. doi:10.1016/j.schres.2012.11.028
BACKGROUND: Previous studies have shown that frontostriatal networks, especially those involving dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (VLPFC) mediate cognitive functions some of which are abnormal in schizophrenia. This study examines white matter integrity of the tracts connecting DLPFC/VLPFC and striatum in patients with first-episode schizophrenia (FESZ), and their associations with cognitive and clinical correlates. METHODS: Diffusion tensor and structural magnetic resonance images were acquired on a 3T GE Echospeed system from 16 FESZ and 18 demographically comparable healthy controls. FreeSurfer software was used to parcellate regions of interest. Two-tensor tractography was applied to extract fibers connecting striatum with rostral middle frontal gyrus (rMFG) and inferior frontal gyrus (IFG), representing DLPFC and VLPFC respectively. DTI indices, including fractional anisotropy (FA), trace, axial diffusivity (AD) and radial diffusivity (RD), were used for group comparisons. Additionally, correlations were evaluated between these diffusion indices and the Wisconsin Card Sorting Task (WCST) and the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS). RESULTS: FA was significantly reduced in the left IFG-striatum tract, whereas trace and RD were significantly increased in rMFG-striatum and IFG-striatum tracts, bilaterally. The number of WCST categories completed correlated positively with FA of the right rMFG-striatum tract, and negatively with trace and RD of right rMFG-striatum and right IFG-striatum tracts in FESZ. The BPRS scores did not correlate with these indices. CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest that white matter tract abnormalities between rMFG/IFG and striatum are present in FESZ and appear to be significantly associated with executive dysfunction but not with symptom severity.
Farzinfar M, Oguz I, Smith RG, Verde AR, Dietrich C, Gupta A, Escolar ML, Piven J, Pujol S, Vachet C, et al. Diffusion imaging quality control via entropy of principal direction distribution. Neuroimage. 2013;82:1–12. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2013.05.022
Diffusion MR imaging has received increasing attention in the neuroimaging community, as it yields new insights into the microstructural organization of white matter that are not available with conventional MRI techniques. While the technology has enormous potential, diffusion MRI suffers from a unique and complex set of image quality problems, limiting the sensitivity of studies and reducing the accuracy of findings. Furthermore, the acquisition time for diffusion MRI is longer than conventional MRI due to the need for multiple acquisitions to obtain directionally encoded Diffusion Weighted Images (DWI). This leads to increased motion artifacts, reduced signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), and increased proneness to a wide variety of artifacts, including eddy-current and motion artifacts, "venetian blind" artifacts, as well as slice-wise and gradient-wise inconsistencies. Such artifacts mandate stringent Quality Control (QC) schemes in the processing of diffusion MRI data. Most existing QC procedures are conducted in the DWI domain and/or on a voxel level, but our own experiments show that these methods often do not fully detect and eliminate certain types of artifacts, often only visible when investigating groups of DWI’s or a derived diffusion model, such as the most-employed diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). Here, we propose a novel regional QC measure in the DTI domain that employs the entropy of the regional distribution of the principal directions (PD). The PD entropy quantifies the scattering and spread of the principal diffusion directions and is invariant to the patient’s position in the scanner. High entropy value indicates that the PDs are distributed relatively uniformly, while low entropy value indicates the presence of clusters in the PD distribution. The novel QC measure is intended to complement the existing set of QC procedures by detecting and correcting residual artifacts. Such residual artifacts cause directional bias in the measured PD and here called dominant direction artifacts. Experiments show that our automatic method can reliably detect and potentially correct such artifacts, especially the ones caused by the vibrations of the scanner table during the scan. The results further indicate the usefulness of this method for general quality assessment in DTI studies.
Ross JC, Kindlmann GL, Okajima Y, Hatabu H, iaz AAD \, Silverman EK, Washko GR, Dy J, epar R ul SJ e E. Pulmonary lobe segmentation based on ridge surface sampling and shape model fitting. Med Phys. 2013;40(12):121903. doi:10.1118/1.4828782
PURPOSE: Performing lobe-based quantitative analysis of the lung in computed tomography (CT) scans can assist in efforts to better characterize complex diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). While airways and vessels can help to indicate the location of lobe boundaries, segmentations of these structures are not always available, so methods to define the lobes in the absence of these structures are desirable. METHODS: The authors present a fully automatic lung lobe segmentation algorithm that is effective in volumetric inspiratory and expiratory computed tomography (CT) datasets. The authors rely on ridge surface image features indicating fissure locations and a novel approach to modeling shape variation in the surfaces defining the lobe boundaries. The authors employ a particle system that efficiently samples ridge surfaces in the image domain and provides a set of candidate fissure locations based on the Hessian matrix. Following this, lobe boundary shape models generated from principal component analysis (PCA) are fit to the particles data to discriminate between fissure and nonfissure candidates. The resulting set of particle points are used to fit thin plate spline (TPS) interpolating surfaces to form the final boundaries between the lung lobes. RESULTS: The authors tested algorithm performance on 50 inspiratory and 50 expiratory CT scans taken from the COPDGene study. Results indicate that the authors’ algorithm performs comparably to pulmonologist-generated lung lobe segmentations and can produce good results in cases with accessory fissures, incomplete fissures, advanced emphysema, and low dose acquisition protocols. Dice scores indicate that only 29 out of 500 (5.85%) lobes showed Dice scores lower than 0.9. Two different approaches for evaluating lobe boundary surface discrepancies were applied and indicate that algorithm boundary identification is most accurate in the vicinity of fissures detectable on CT. CONCLUSIONS: The proposed algorithm is effective for lung lobe segmentation in absence of auxiliary structures such as vessels and airways. The most challenging cases are those with mostly incomplete, absent, or near-absent fissures and in cases with poorly revealed fissures due to high image noise. However, the authors observe good performance even in the majority of these cases.
Wassermann D, Makris N, Rathi Y, Shenton M, Kikinis R, Kubicki M, Westin C-F. On describing human white matter anatomy: the white matter query language. Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv. 2013;16(Pt 1):647–54.
The main contribution of this work is the careful syntactical definition of major white matter tracts in the human brain based on a neuroanatomist’s expert knowledge. We present a technique to formally describe white matter tracts and to automatically extract them from diffusion MRI data. The framework is based on a novel query language with a near-to-English textual syntax. This query language allows us to construct a dictionary of anatomical definitions describing white matter tracts. The definitions include adjacent gray and white matter regions, and rules for spatial relations. This enables automated coherent labeling of white matter anatomy across subjects. We use our method to encode anatomical knowledge in human white matter describing 10 association and 8 projection tracts per hemisphere and 7 commissural tracts. The technique is shown to be comparable in accuracy to manual labeling. We present results applying this framework to create a white matter atlas from 77 healthy subjects, and we use this atlas in a proof-of-concept study to detect tract changes specific to schizophrenia.
Rathi Y, Gagoski B, Setsompop K, Michailovich O, Grant E, Westin C-F. Diffusion propagator estimation from sparse measurements in a tractography framework. Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv. 2013;16(Pt 3):510–7.
Estimation of the diffusion propagator from a sparse set of diffusion MRI (dMRI) measurements is a field of active research. Sparse reconstruction methods propose to reduce scan time and are particularly suitable for scanning un-coperative patients. Recent work on reconstructing the diffusion signal from very few measurements using compressed sensing based techniques has focussed on propagator (or signal) estimation at each voxel independently. However, the goal of many neuroscience studies is to use tractography to study the pathology in white matter fiber tracts. Thus, in this work, we propose a joint framework for robust estimation of the diffusion propagator from sparse measurements while simultaneously tracing the white matter tracts. We propose to use a novel multi-tensor model of diffusion which incorporates the biexponential radial decay of the signal. Our preliminary results on in-vivo data show that the proposed method produces consistent and reliable fiber tracts from very few gradient directions while simultaneously estimating the bi-exponential decay of the diffusion propagator.
Gupta A, Toews M, Janardhana R, Rathi Y, Gilmore J, Escolar M, Styner M. Fiber feature map based landmark initialization for highly deformable DTI registration. Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng. 2013;8669. doi:10.1117/12.2006977
This paper presents a novel pipeline for the registration of diffusion tensor images (DTI) with large pathological variations to normal controls based on the use of a novel feature map derived from white matter (WM) fiber tracts. The research presented aims towards an atlas based DTI analysis of subjects with considerable brain pathologies such as tumors or hydrocephalus. In this paper, we propose a novel feature map that is robust against variations in WM fiber tract integrity and use these feature maps to determine a landmark correspondence using a 3D point correspondence algorithm. This correspondence drives a deformation field computed using Gaussian radial basis functions(RBF). This field is employed as an initialization to a standard deformable registration method like demons. We present early preliminary results on the registration of a normal control dataset to a dataset with abnormally enlarged lateral ventricles affected by fatal demyelinating Krabbe disease. The results are analyzed based on a regional tensor matching criterion and a visual assessment of overlap of major WM fiber tracts. While further evaluation and improvements are necessary, the results presented in this paper highlight the potential of our method in handling registration of subjects with severe WM pathology.