Distribution Metrics and Image Segmentation.

Georgiou T, Michailovich O, Rathi Y, Malcolm J, Tannenbaum A. Distribution Metrics and Image Segmentation.. Linear Algebra Appl. 2007;425(2-3):663–672.


The purpose of this paper is to describe certain alternative metrics for quantifying distances between distributions, and to explain their use and relevance in visual tracking. Besides the theoretical interest, such metrics may be used to design filters for image segmentation, that is for solving the key visual task of separating an object from the background in an image. The segmenting curve is represented as the zero level set of a signed distance function. Most existing methods in the geometric active contour framework perform segmentation by maximizing the separation of intensity moments between the interior and the exterior of an evolving contour. Here one can use the given distributional metric to determine a flow which minimizes changes in the distribution inside and outside the curve.
Last updated on 02/26/2023