CT-based preoperative analysis of scapula morphology and glenohumeral joint geometry.

Welsch G, Mamisch TC, Kikinis R, Schmidt R, Lang P, Forst R, Fitz W. CT-based preoperative analysis of scapula morphology and glenohumeral joint geometry. Comput Aided Surg. 2003;8(5):264–8.


OBJECTIVE: To investigate the geometry of the glenohumeral joint using three-dimensional (3D) models; define landmarks, planes, angles and regions of interest; and analyze the exact morphology of the scapula. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We reconstructed 3D scapula models based on computed tomography (CT) data sets of 12 healthy controls. Three-dimensional models were reconstructed using the 3D Slicer2 (Surgical Planning Lab, Boston, MA), which provides interactive measurement. The 3D model and measuring tools can be freely shifted and rotated in all planes.
Last updated on 02/26/2023